Data Import Forms

When you open a Working table and select Edit | Import | File, you will first be be prompted with a standard "Open File" dialog box to select one or more import files which can be in one of the following supported import file formats:

Alternatively, you can copy tab-delimited text (such as from an Excel spreadsheet) to the clipboard and select Edit | Paste/Import Records.

After you do so, the following form appears:

Here's what each part of the form is used for:

Use Column Headings for Field Names: When importing data from text files, this checkbox is enabled and indicates whether the first non-blank, non-commented line of the import file should be assumed to contain the column heading names; if so, the column heading appear in the preview grid but are not imported. For spreadsheets, data tables, DSS, WDM, and BMD files, the box is always checked and disabled.

Import Options: Enter the increment number to use for the time or row increment; if the increment type is set to "rows" then if you enter "1", that means that every row will be import; "2" means that every other row will be import. If the increment type is set to "minutes", then this is the minute number used for imports (e.g., 5 means to only import data collected at times evenly divisible by five minutes).

Delimiters: This identifies the delimiter used for text files; the first few lines of the file are read to guess the settings--you can override to indicate multiple delimiters such as tabs, commas, spaces, or a specified character. Note that space-delimited files are interpreted to mean that one or more spaces separate fields.

Load Last: This will load header information from your previous session (which is automatically saved to a temporary file).

Load Header: Click this to load header information from a previously-saved header (.HDR) file

Save Header: After specifying all the header information, click this to save all header information to a header (.HDR) file that can be reused

Title and Default Values: This grid contains a number of header fields that apply globally to the import file (unless overridden in the data file); these include:

Column Field Names, CCodes, and Multipliers: This grid contains field names, CCodes, and multipliers to be used for each column/field in the import file/table

(This is explained in more detail in Field Mapping)

Data in Import File: This grid contains a preview of the first 1000 lines in the import file; if import file uses column headings for field names, they are shown as column headings in the grid (otherwise, A, B, C, etc. are shown); parsing of the input file is based on the currently selected delimiters--if the preview doesn't look correct, try adding or removing delimiters

Options: This opens a dialog that lets you select additional options for the import:

Continue: When the preview form has been completed properly, click this button to start the import operation. If you have failed to specify adequate information, you will see this warning:

If all is in order, a progress form appears and you can watch as the data are imported:

The progress form includes the following items:

Progress Text: This displays progress messages, assumptions, and warning messages during the import operation. Carefully review these messsages before continuing with the import.

Auto-Import Checkbox: Sometimes import operations can take several minutes or even hours; you can check this box if you want the Working table update operation to automatically continue after the import is complete (there will be a 10 second pause to give you a chance to change your mind).

Progress Guage: This progress bar shows the percent complete of the import operation.

Cancel Button: Cancels the import operation.

Copy Button: Copy the contents of the textbox above to the clipboard.

Continue Button: After importing is complete, click this button to actually bring the data into your Working table.

After the import operation is complete, it can still take a considerable time to actually insert the imported records into your Working table.