Download Data

The WRDB Download Data tool can be used to acquire water quality and quantity data from a variety of public sources and import them to your active Working table. To do this, open a Working table and then select Edit | Import | Download Data to see this form:

This form and Setup tab have the following components:

After you have identified all stations and parameters of interest (and for CUAHSI, time series), clicking the Import button will acquire all requested data that can be found and temporarily store it in memory. For all datasources other than CUAHSI, it may actually be faster to select all parameters than some of them: in the first case, a separate query must be performed for each parameter; in the latter a single query is run for all parameters.

After all initially requested stations and parameters area acquired, the Download Data - Field Mapping form appears. This shows you the stations and parameters that were actually downloaded (remember, not all parameters are actually available for all selected stations). Using this form, you make a final selection of what stations and parameters you want to import, and select existing (or create new) Station IDs and PCodes to which the data will be assigned. The Mapping form has three tabs:

If you check the Import box on a line before assigning a Station ID or PCode, a new code will automatically be created based on the station or parameter name. You can of course reselect the code if you choose. Any new codes that are created are automatically imported to the appropriate Support table.

Because data for some parameters are stored using units different than those in your WRDB project, you can also specify a multiplier that will be used upon import. In the above example, data stored in ug/L will be converted to mg/L by multiplying each phosphorus data point by 0.001.

If you also want to further restrict the range of dates to be imported, you can do that on the Dates tab. You cannot expand the date range.

When you click OK, the data will be processed and you will be given a final chance to confirm the date to be imported to your Working table:

If you click OK, the records will be imported to the Working table as well as the Stations, Parameters, and other Support tables.