Oracle Data Provider

This provider require that a dedicated (or non-dedicated) server be running the database which operates in using the client-server paradigm. The database server can be at a remote location, in your workgroup, or on your own computer. Oracle server runs on Windows and Linux operating systems.

This provider offers high-performance, robust file and record locking for multi-user access, but can be quite difficult to install and configure. You may need to worry about configuring IP addresses and enabling ports on multiple firewalls.

You can access a departmental Oracle instance, or install OracleXE (Express Edition) on your own computer or on another computer on the network. The latter product can be downloaded from for free; you should carefully examine the terms of the license to determine if you may use this version for WRDB.

You may need to configure port 5121 (by default) on your firewalls to access the server. The database administrator (DBA) will need to set up a username and password for your use; this will allow you to access a pre-specified Tablespace. It is not possible to create a tablespace using WRDB. If you install the server software on your own computer, access it using the server name of "localhost". The initial default adminstrator username is system.

The Oracle provider requires that a very large set of client libraries be installed on your computer. These have been included in the Redist folder of WRDB. You should contact your Oracle DBA before installing any Oracle client drivers on your computer, as it may adversely impact other Oracle-aware applications on your computer.