
The Water Resources Database (WRDB) was developed by Lloyd Chris Wilson, Ph.D., P.E. of Wilson Engineering. Version 5.0 was developed for Region IV EPA (based in part on previous versions developed for Georgia EPA). The Panama Canal Authority also provided funding for development of versions 6 and 7. If you have questions about program usage, please first refer to the online help and associated technical documents. Software errors can be addressed best by sending an email to Dr. Wilson containing the error message and particulars about steps to reproduce.

Dr. Wilson is a consulting engineer and does not have a continuing software support contract, so it is not possible for him to provide free support. However, he would be more than happy to assist you with the software or water resources modeling through a normal consulting agreement. Please contact him at:

Dr. Lloyd Chris Wilson, P.E.
cwilson AT
Wilson Engineering
5575 Segundo Dr.
Lovelane, CO 80538

(All email addresses on this page have been altered to reduce spam)

Note that this software is provided AS-IS; funding agencies and the developer assume no responsibility or liability for the application of the software.